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It’s Now or Never

          What should we do with this wonderful gift of life that we have got? What is the ultimate goal that we should achieve in life? Have you ever thought about this? Some believe that the ultimate aim of life is to earn as much wealth as possible. Some believe that it is to earn power or respect or status etc. And some others believe that it is just to enjoy. And some considers life as a competition where the ultimate aim is to be at the first place. And for some others, there is no aim at all..!!

          Throughout our life we may strive hard to achieve any of these things. But what will happen to all these wealth, power and authority once the ‘lub-dub’ of our heart stops. Death is inevitable. Nothing can save us from that. So what is the use all these worldly things if we cannot take any of these with us after we are dead.

          Let me quote a few lines from Thomas Gray’s "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"
 “The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Awaits alike the inevitable hour.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.”

In these lines, the poet says that people may boast of coming from noble families, or may possess power or may have immense wealth or be a paragon of beauty but, death is waiting for all of them. All paths of glory finally lead to death, the inevitable end.

          So we have to achieve something in our life that can overcome death. We can overcome death by doing something that makes the world to remember us even after death. It is universal human desire to be remembered after death. The ultimate aim of our life must be to do something so that the world remembers us after death. Why we call people like ‘Mahatma Gandhi’, ‘Mother Teresa’, ‘Albert Einstein’, or ‘Abraham Lincoln’ as ‘great’ personalities? They are known as ‘great’ personalities because we remember them even after their death. They were able to do certain things that could overcome death. They were able to leave their footprints on the sands of time.

           We all can become great personalities like them. Just do something good for the world. All of us have got one or the other talent. Make use of the talents that God has given you in the right way. Let’s add some meaning to our life. It’s now or never. We are not going to get another chance. Who knows when the ‘lub-dub’ is going to stop? So if we want to make our life larger and meaningful we have to do it now. Show the world what you are capable of. Leave your footprints on the sands of time. Let the world remember you with pride and love even after your death.


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