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Life is God’s gift

          Life is a gift from God. It is the most precious and the most valuable gift. Each moment of our life is more precious than the rarest diamond and pearl. God is so kind and loving that he gave this most valuable gift to us absolutely ‘free of cost…!’. Just think, what is the cost of a kidney..? Or how much does a Liver transplantation surgery cost..? Or how much we have to pay for heart transplantation..? But God has given us all these for free.

          The problem with man is that he does not understand the value of things unless he has to pay for it. Take the case of oxygen. We cannot live without it. But we don’t know its value as we are getting it free of cost through air..!!! Similarly God has given us a wonderful gift of life. But we are unable to understand the value of that gift. God has given us the most precious thing in this world and still we complaint that we have nothing…!!! 

          Just spend some moments to think about those people in this world who haven’t received all these blessings like us. Those who cannot see the beauty of this world like us. Those who cannot hear the sounds of this world like us. Those who cannot express themselves through words like us. Those who are not physically healthy like us. Just think how lucky all of us are when compared to them. Atleast we have got a physically and mentally sound body.

          Now since God has given us such a wonderful gift of life it is our duty to make the best use of it. We must be thankful to God for each moment of our life. Be happy with what all we have got in our life and we must make the best use of all those blessings. We must always remember one thing ‘As long as we have a life in our hands, we can achieve anything in this world.’

          So always be thankful to God for each ‘Lub-Dub’ of our life. And also make the best use of each and every moment of this most precious gift.


SASH said...

good one ... keep writing...

Not just be thankful ...Adding following bible verses ..

St Mathew 25:40, The King will answer them, 'Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

St. james 2 :20 , But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead?

Jibin Thomas Abraham said...

thnk you for your support...

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