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Life is Beautiful

          “Life is Beautiful” – one of the most famous thoughts related to life. There will not be anyone who had not heard or read about this atleast once in their life. Is life really beautiful? If yes, then why there are so many problems in our life? Why there are poor people in this world? Why all are not equally happy? How can we say that life is beautiful when we fail in an examination or when we fail in love or when we have to stay away from our parents, relatives or friends?
          Yes my friend, Life is really beautiful. And it is beautiful only because of all those problems…!!! Without problems and difficulties there is no meaning for life. Whatever happens in life is for a good reason. God has given each person the best option and the world is at its best as it is. There may be many problems in our life. We may not get all those we had wished for. But at one or the other point of life each one of us can realize the fact that everything happened for a good reason. There may be moments in life when we may be angry at God for not giving us what we asked for. But later on, we will realize that he had a better plan for us.

          Just imagine, what will happen if all people in this world were equally rich? In that case who would like to work under anyone else? Will anyone do farming? Will there be anyone available for labour? Will there be love? Will there be Kindness or generosity in this world? Why should anyone care for anyone else? The equilibrium of the world will be lost. For the society to exist it is necessary that we have the rich as well as the poor. Each human being plays his role to maintain this balance. If a single person’s life is changed it affects the whole world. Just think if u were not like this then that automatically changes the life of all those who knows you. If you were born somewhere else you might not have met any of your relatives, friends and your life partner. So if your life were different then the life all those people who was, is, and will be associated with your life also changes. And this process continues and the entire society would have been different..!!! So whenever anything that you don’t like happens in your life just think that it is all part of a great plan and everything happens for the good of the whole world.

         If you miss some special person in your life very badly then close your eye for a moment and think about the beautiful moments that you had spent with them. If you really miss them you will feel a pain inside you. That is something that adds beauty to life. Yes, at moments like that even though we are sad there is a beauty in that pain. Those are the moments we realize the value of that person, the depth of that relationship. At moments like that we will feel like “Wow…this is Life..!!!”. Consider another simple example. What if there were no exams and all were promoted to the next class without exam. We all will be very happy rite? But think about the happiness that we get when we work really hard and finally pass the examination. At that moment we will feel proud of ourselves. Those moments makes life beautiful…

          So friends, you have to admit whatever happens, life is still very beautiful. So feel the beauty of Life. Feel and experience each moment of life with the faith that God is giving you the best he can. Just make sure that you never give up whatever happens. Believe in God and in yourself.

Life is God’s gift

          Life is a gift from God. It is the most precious and the most valuable gift. Each moment of our life is more precious than the rarest diamond and pearl. God is so kind and loving that he gave this most valuable gift to us absolutely ‘free of cost…!’. Just think, what is the cost of a kidney..? Or how much does a Liver transplantation surgery cost..? Or how much we have to pay for heart transplantation..? But God has given us all these for free.

          The problem with man is that he does not understand the value of things unless he has to pay for it. Take the case of oxygen. We cannot live without it. But we don’t know its value as we are getting it free of cost through air..!!! Similarly God has given us a wonderful gift of life. But we are unable to understand the value of that gift. God has given us the most precious thing in this world and still we complaint that we have nothing…!!! 

          Just spend some moments to think about those people in this world who haven’t received all these blessings like us. Those who cannot see the beauty of this world like us. Those who cannot hear the sounds of this world like us. Those who cannot express themselves through words like us. Those who are not physically healthy like us. Just think how lucky all of us are when compared to them. Atleast we have got a physically and mentally sound body.

          Now since God has given us such a wonderful gift of life it is our duty to make the best use of it. We must be thankful to God for each moment of our life. Be happy with what all we have got in our life and we must make the best use of all those blessings. We must always remember one thing ‘As long as we have a life in our hands, we can achieve anything in this world.’

          So always be thankful to God for each ‘Lub-Dub’ of our life. And also make the best use of each and every moment of this most precious gift.

Feel the Rhythm of Life

           Life – the most simple and yet most complicated word to define. It is really difficult to give a proper definition for life. We can say that ‘Life is Beautiful’, ‘Life is to enjoy’, ‘Life is what you make it’, ‘Life is a race’ or ‘Life is Complicated’ etc. But none of these phrases can give a complete meaning of Life. It is impossible to understand life through definitions, theories and experiments. If you want to understand what life really is then you have to Feel it. Yes, feeling life is the only way to understand the real meaning of life.

          Now how can we feel life? It is very simple…you can feel life just by taking a deep breath. Try it…just close your eyes and take a deep breath, you can feel life. Just laugh out loud when you are happy, you can feel life. Just cry out when you are sad, you can feel life. Simply place your hand over your chest and feel your Heartbeats...Lub-Dub…Lub-Dub…Lub-Dub…Lub-Dub…you can feel Life.

          The sound of our heartbeat is the best rhythm composed by the best music director-The Almighty God himself. We produce the best music when we have our life synchronized with this rhythm. Each heartbeat silently tells us “Dude you are alive; you have a Life”. Each ‘Lub’ says “Live ur life best” and ‘Dub’ says “Do ur best in life”. Each heartbeat in our life is a gift of God. We must make the best use of each moment of our life. To live life to the fullest we must feel each day, each hour, each minute, each moment and each heartbeat of our life.

          So atleast once in a while try to feel the rhythm of life by listening to your heartbeats and be happy and proud of the fact that you ‘own a Life’, which is more precious than any wealth. Till the moment you have that rhythm in your heart you can achieve anything in Life. And once that rhythm stops playing….

So feel Life…Enjoy each and every hearbeat… 